Pressure Reducing Desuperheaters Stations (PRDS)

Steam PRDS is used for Steam Conditioning Services for the reduction of pressure and temperature of steam. It is a combination of Control Valve for the pressure reduction purpose and atomizing nozzles through which water is sprayed into steam for reducing the temperature.

PRDS can be of two types

  • 1. Combined PRDS
    Both PRV and Desuperheater in a compact single unit
  • 2. Split PRDS
    Separate PRV and Desuperheater

Technical Specifications

Body Series Series 70000
Body Type Combined PRDS/Steam Converting Valve with water injection by Single Nozzle-Globe Type
Body Sizes Depending upon requirement
Pressure Rating ASME 150# to 2500#
End Connections Flanged (RF, RTJ), Butt Weld etc

Body Series Series 70500
Body Type Combined PRDS/Steam Converting Valve with water injection by Single Nozzle-Angle Type
Body Sizes Depending upon requirement
Pressure Rating ASME 150# to 2500#
End Connections Flanged (RF, RTJ), Butt Weld etc

Body Series Series 71000
Body Type Combined PRDS/Steam Converting Valve with water injection by Orifice tube, Globe Type
Body Sizes Depending upon requirement
Pressure Rating ASME 150# to 2500#
End Connections Flanged (RF, RTJ), Butt Weld etc