
Steam Desuperheater is used to spray water into steam so that water get mixed with steam resulting in reduction in the temperature of the outlet steam. Desuperheater can be classified into two

  • 1. Non-Integral type Desuperheater
    Desuperheater nozzle and water valve are separate units
  • 2. Integral type Desuperheater
    Desuperheater is in-built with actuator so that there is no need to separate spray water valve

Desuperheater nozzles are also classified into

  • 1. Venturi type
    Nozzle orifice is fixed irrespective of flow variation
  • 2. Variable orifice
    Orifice area opening will vary according to the flow and pressure variations

Technical Specifications

Body Series Series 60000
Body Type Variable Area Nozzles Spray Pipeline Desuperheater
Body Sizes 1.1/2” X 3” or 2” X 4” depending upon capacity & rating
Pressure Rating ASME 150# to 2500#
End Connections Steam Pipe -Flanged/Butt Weld
Water Pipe - Flanged
Leakage Class Class IV (ANSI FCI/70-2)
Inherent Characteristics Linear & Equal %
Actuator Options Pneumatic Spring Return Diaphragm

Body Series Series 61000
Body Type Fixed Area Nozzle Spray Pipeline Desuperheater
Body Sizes 1" to 24"
Pressure Rating ASME 150# to 1500#
End Connections Steam Pipe -Flanged/Butt Weld
Water Pipe - Flanged
Leakage Class Class IV (ANSI FCI/70-2)
Inherent Characteristics Linear & Equal %

Body Series Series 62500
Body Type Fixed Area Nozzle Spray Pipeline Venturi Desuperheater
Body Sizes 1.1/2” X 3” or 2” X 4” depending upon capacity & rating
Pressure Rating ASME 150# to 1500#
End Connections Steam Pipe -Flanged/Butt Weld
Water Pipe – Flanged/Butt Weld
Steam Pipe 6" to 48"
Inherent Characteristics Linear & Equal %